Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Chained Heart

"My heart is chained to the unchainable Jesus."
This statement by Louie Giglio at Passion 2012 has been planted deeply inside my spirit.
Who would think that a statement about being chained could be the
catalyst of freedom,
of life for these dry bones?
But my destiny, my purpose is not chained
to what I was,
what I've done,
my failures,
my losses,
my insufficiency...
My destiny, my purpose is chained to the
More than Enough God that I love!
I don't have to try live my life FOR victory...I have the privilege to live my life FROM victory because I am a daughter of the King!
I have chained myself to the unchainable Jesus!

"...Apart from me, you can do nothing."

So what HAVE you chained yourself to?
wrong beliefs,
acts against you,
actions by you,
the past,
the future,
...and the list could go on and on and on...

Let it go! Grab onto His Grace! Move the chain!
Learn to remain....remain in Jesus!

So what WILL you chain yourself to?

Bishop T.D. Jakes speaks to this truth-in his own unique way- in this clip from "Let Them Walk"...see for yourself...

Chain yourself to Freedom.
Chain yourself to Victory.
Chain yourself to Peace.
Chain yourself to Wisdom.
Chain yourself to Truth.
Chain yourself to Love.
Chain yourself to Power.
Chain yourself to Healing.
Chain yourself to Deliverance.
Chain yourself to the Lover of Your Soul.
Let the rest of it WALK!

Chain yourself to the unchainable Jesus!

Tweet/Post this: "My heart is chained to the unchainable Jesus."@louiegiglio #forHisglory

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