Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Heart Ramblings

That's all I really care about.
I want more every time I taste and see Your goodness.
Every time I find You I just can't belive that You would trust me with another piece and portion of Who You are.
I believe You.
I believe that what You have in store, I cannot even begin to imagine.
I believe that You are poised and ready to be all I ever need You to be...
...if I will just surrender.
Really say, "Your will, Your way"
Really step out on faith that moves mountains.
Remaining comfortable,
stagnant living,
shallow giving,
gasping for air breathing,
my agendas seething...
I can live like this NO MORE.
I cannot watch my life whiz by uninterrupted.
I am dizzied by my own lack of action,
My own refusal to let You press pause.
I cannot do this poor excuse of doing anymore.
I cannot be this comfortable living,
parasite Believer.
This Pharisee, pining after rules instead of God's heart,
on a rule following,
attendance taking,
activity going
Justifying my own agendas because they are outside the boxes around me,
Yet, they are boxes of my own creation, just the same.
They are not His.
He did not create these rules I keep,
This track record I collect and store to display somewhere- a hall that does not exist.
He is a box-breaking God
who desires box-breaking worshippers...
Spilling the messiness of their oil of worship all His feet
And meshing it with  the sacrifice of
and Thankfulness
and Awe
and Nearness.
Even when the room comes to a halt...
Even when whispers deafen...
Even when the burn of stares singe the edges of my heart...
Even then...
Press in.
Press in further.
I won't stop until I'm at His feet.
Because that's where it all disappears.
It all fades away as I fall at the feet of the Object of my affection...
This Jesus.
This is it.
He is It.
He is All.
He is Everything.
YOU are.
That's what I believe.
This is what I know is Truth:
You are Truth.
And when the world tells me that I am confused,
a distraction to those seeking outward reverence above a life messily sacrificed on Your altar...
THAT is when I will just RUN to Your feet, look You in Your face,
look Truth in the eye,
Feel Truth wrap His arms around me and whisper my name...
Truth sings over me with a voice of rejoicing.
Yes, He delights in holding this messy sinner,
who runs crying,
but BOLDLY approaching the throne of Grace!
He finds joy in my feeble attempts to rightly worship unhindered by this rotten flesh.
Because there is no "right",
Because there is no list of rules
He only asks me to come.
He just wants me...
even more than I want Him.
I know.
It's crazy.
How can this God want me?
Why would He want this pile of issues and shortcomings?
Because I am His.
Because He knew me before I took a breath.
He formed these moments I am living and called each one into existence.
He's walked each one and laid each moment down,
Packed full with His presence and provision...
If I'll reach out...
If I will see.
If I will look past my own insufficiencies that I have allowed to lay down walls of limits
amidst these moments He has made for me.
My vision is limited by me.
The horizon,
unlimited potential,
and beauty...
THAT'S what He created.
I want to see.
I want to see past the limits I have bricked up all around me.
I want to see with Spirit eyes...
Blinded to all else.
Because that's when Grace experienced is labeled...
Because what else do you say when a
is freely forgiven,
joyfully welcomed,
given this Love,
and immeasurable riches?
What else do you say when unmerited favor is handed out
to one like me...
...and so lavishly?
What else do you say when the rightful hand of death,
this death sentence I so deserve,
is paid for by Another?
What do you say when this wretched ife is not only forgiven-
it is proclaimed,
declared NOT GUILTY?!?
What can I do but shout,
And what else can I offer...
but my life in return?
It's not enough.
No, it is not payment.
Because THAT is a debt I cannot repay.
Jesus already took care of that.
It is my offering.
My thanks.
My joy to give.
And I am beginning to understand that is it His joy, Your joy Father, to receive.
In all its messiness,
in all its ridiculous junk...
It is His joy to receive it because...
That's how He loves.
Far beyond what I can understand...
He loves me.
He desires me in the middle of my mess because He has His cleansing blood
ready and waiting,
His robe of righteousness to bestow on me.
And I...
I don't deserve it...
That's how He loves.

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