I Am

He is, I am.

I am His.

I am, only because He is. I am sure of that now in a new, deeper and more intimate way than ever before.

I am not one to love a page that's about me, but it's a little glimpse of me as I strive to lose myself in Him.

I am THE favorite of the man I pledged my life to, the man I still get giddy over when I see him walk in the door...and I love him even more today than I did that day in December, years ago.

I am the wife of an associate pastor/youth minister and I'm a preacher's kid, to boot. I know- double whammy.

I am a homeschooling mother of 3 perfect children. JUST KIDDING. I am a homeschooling mama of 3 kids, that on many days are still in their pj's as the end of the school day rolls around:)!

I am the daughter of a man and woman I admire greatly as they have continuously pointed me to my Abba.

I am sister to a woman whose passion for the deep things of God, and excellence as His child, inspires me daily.

I am a studier of God's Word.

I am a worshipper, passionate about singing His praise and leading others into that precious place of His presence.

I am a teacher of the Word, unable to keep inside what He shares with me in our times together, looking for ways to let others know He has big plans for them!

I am a vision seer.

I am a writer.

I am a dancer before the Lord.

I am a discipler and a disciple.

I am a counselor at will.

I am full of ideas that do not have time nor space to get out.

I am organized...in my head. :)

I am a lover of music, laughter, gifts and gifting, birthdays, photography, creative things, crafty things, lazy days, lonely beaches, crisp and bright fall days, blankets, picnics, traditions, Christmas, words on my walls, comforting colors, soothing candles, and days that go exactly as I had pictured in my head(simply bc they rarely happen!).

I am blessed with amazing friends, past and present, who have loved me through so much and whom I know will love me through all that may be to come.

I am a bit too sarcastic at times.

I am a jokster who, thankfully, doesn't always say that first funny and possibly inappropriate thing that pops into my head.(But if we're close, I might tell you later. ha!)

I am the person who likes to hide and jump out and say BOO...for no reason at all.

I am a woman who likes a hard workout at the gym and who finally wants to be healthy and strong rather than "skinny". ROAR!...no seriously, I make that noise when I workout...just ask somebody at Body Circuit! lol!

I am a comfort lover.

I am a Spirit flowing, prayer language pray-er.

I am His child.

I am His.

He is I Am.